Wednesday, October 13, 2010

BP9_Action Research

What is your official problem statement?

From state tests scores, and other formal and informal assessments given, most, if not all of my past and present students are at least two grade levels behind their general education peers. I would like to change that trend and I am hoping to do so through music. I would like to do so, one subject at a time.
I currently am an 8th grade, self-contained, Special Education teacher. I have noticed with my past and current students that they do not like to do their homework. Students come up with a variety of reasons why this is so, including, 'I just don't do homework', 'it's boring', 'I don't have the time', etc. I would like to change that attitude they have towards homework, and so, I have decided to focus my project on English Language Arts (ELA) and specifically the writing component of ELA as it relates to their homework.
When students do turn in homework, usually the quality and quantity of that homework is generally poor. I propose that giving students the opportunity to put their writing homework assignment to music, will make it more enjoyable and will give students an opportunity to be more creative and take ownership of their learning. Instead of turning in writing homework assignments in written format (though they are welcomed to do that too), they will be singing, rapping, using any genre of music to present their homework. I believe that using music to present their writing homework will increase the quantity and quality of their homework.

How did your research end up shaping this?

I have not seen any research so far that has to deal with my specific topic. Therefore, the research has not helped to shape my topic at all. Based on what I have read and conversations I've been having with my students, I am skeptical about my topic and how it will turn out.
I had originally wanted to play music in the classroom during ELA periods, but decided to narrow the topic and have students use the music of their choice and present their homework that way. As there is research that supports and disputes the use of music and how it affects academic outcomes, I may go back to that original research proposal and use R&B and Reggae instrumentals in the classroom during the ELA writing periods.

What outcomes are you expecting?

I would like to receive more ELA writing homework that is of better quantity from my students, but, at this time I am not sure that that is what will happen.
I had started out with four students and now I have seven. One of the new student attends sporadically and is late whenever he does come. All my students are English Language Learners (ELL). We sometimes have students from other classes following my students' schedules whenever their teacher is absent and I know my students are already skeptical about presenting in front of their classmates, so, definitely they will not present if other students are in the room.
At this point, I am not sure exactly what outcomes to expect with everything that is happening. I would like to change my proposal, but I am not exactly sure.

How are your critical friends helping in this process?

At this point I only have two critical friends but we do not meet often. I have phone conversations with each of them and they give me insights on questions that I may have.
We spend time discussing my project and I am to discuss ideas that I may have and therefore rely on their experience to help guide my thought process. For example one of them is a college professor who has experience with designing and implementing action research projects. The other critical friend has recently earned her Masters in Education Media and Design Technology (EMDT). Thus, she is useful in buoying my spirits and she is most valuable as her recent experience with this course is proving immensely helpful.

How is this month’s course helped in shaping your ARP?

Some of the Web 2.0 tools that I have discovered will become useful in developing the skills of my students and as a way of helping me keep track of their grades.
For example, Twiducate, I have already signed up our class. I will use this for our classroom blog spot, where students are able to talk with each other and/or myself about assignments (especially as it relates to writing homework assignments). Reminders and important dates will be posted there as well as students can share their thoughts on just about anything as it relates to project.
Using the English Vocabulary section of will help to build students' vocabulary which in turn will help them with their writing homework. This is such a great tool in that my students will not only be building academic skills, but donating grains of rice in order to help to end world hunger. I am hoping that using this tool will help to boost their self-esteem and self-confidence which will translate into more quality and quantity of work.
Digital Storytelling is a Web 2.0 tool that can be used to record students' performances. These performances can then be copied onto DVDs to be used by the school, classroom and/or copies can be given to the students.
These are just three of the tools that I have discovered while in ETC that I am definitely going to use during the the implementation of my research project.
The RSS feeds are also helpful in providing up to date information on what is out there concerning my research topic.

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