Monday, September 27, 2010

BP1_Google Reader- 9-27-10 Revised

I am new to using RSS feed, but what I've used it to do so far is link to pages I've used previously to plan my lessons and get ideas for my Action Research using topics that are similar.

Aplusmath is a site I've used with a
previous lesson plan. I was using the
text book a lot and I decided I'd like
to try something new. It was a lot of fun. Now, there are links to a lot of
different lesson plans, being posted by fellow educators.

Howard Gardener's multiple intelligences has changed the way that I look at individuals. I thought intelligence had more to do with the way we spoke (carried ourselves) and our abilities to read and comprehend.
It was never that alone. We all have unique abilities and some intertwined abilities as well. I don't push my students one way or the other, but I do want them to try. I have offered my students the opportunity to present their work in the form of drawings, just so long as I saw they had the concept, that was fine with me.

We had a lot of fun with digital storytelling. Students have a hard time, when they know they have to do a class presentation. Using digital storytelling made it a little easier. Using artifacts and props they were comfortable with was great. Knowing that they were being recorded made the 'audience' a lot more respectful too.

Music in the classroom has to do with the topic of my Action Research project. I thought it would be a great way of keeping up with what is currently going on with music and how it is being used in classrooms.

RSS feeds is a great way of keeping current with what is going on all over and as I become more proficient and can narrow down my search even further, I know it will become an even greater personal learning experience as I complete my degree at Full Sail, in my professional life and my personal life as well.

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